Contact » SOLD VEHICLES » 1950 Boehringer Unimog

1950 Boehringer Unimog

ZU052 - Boehringer 1950 Boehringer Unimog

ZU052 - Boehringer 1950 Boehringer UnimogZU052 - Boehringer 1950 Boehringer UnimogZU052 - Boehringer 1950 Boehringer UnimogZU052 - Boehringer 1950 Boehringer Unimog



Sold out

Chassisnr: 7020000115

One of the first ever built. Pre-series vehicle. Headlights behind the grill.

In good drivable conditon but requires some work/restauration of course. Brakes were recently overhauled. Has a younger OM636 engine with 1 valvecover.

This collectors item found a new owner in Germany.

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